Feeling Hot? Try Our Cold Brew Tips.

Hey coffee lovers,

Welcome back to another edition of our weekly newsletter! We're excited to share some tips, quotes, and insights to help you brew the best coffee at home.

Coffee Deal of the Day

Have you ever had a morning where you pushed the snooze button one too many times? Sure. We all have! But there’s good news — even on your busiest morning, you can enjoy incredible coffee fast with the help of coffee concentrate from Jot. Give it a try with code ROASTY45 and get 45% off of your first-time subscription.

Coffee Tip of the Day

A great cold brew starts with the right coffee-to-water ratio. For a balanced and flavorful brew, use a ratio of 1:8 – that's one part coffee to eight parts water.

Coarsely grind your coffee beans to ensure a smooth extraction and prevent over-extraction, which can lead to bitter flavors.

Combine the coffee and water in a large jar or pitcher, then stir gently to make sure all the grounds are soaked. Let it steep in the refrigerator for at least 12 to 24 hours.

After steeping, strain the mixture using a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter. Enjoy your cold brew over ice, and consider adding a splash of milk or a dash of simple syrup for a refreshing twist.

This simple ratio and method will help you achieve a consistently smooth and invigorating cold brew every time.

Stories Of The Day

Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Thanks for joining us for today's coffee chat. Have a wonderful week, and happy brewing!

- Team Roasty